Deano match manager
Scorer emma d
Buscuits issy
Location: The Lucy Pygott Centre (LPC) St. Mary’s Park, Vaughan Close, Hartley Wintney, RG27 8EB. More details below.
Match Type: 10-a-side pairs cricket
Scoring: We use Play Cricket Scorer and our team will be published there.
Wicket: Artificial – No Spikes
1. Enter St. Mary’s Park via Damson Drive
2. Bear right onto Pippin Square and continue onto Bramley Drive
3. Follow Bramley Drive & turn right when you reach Hatts Close
4. Continue to follow the pictures below which will lead you to Vaughan Close and the Lucy Pygott Centre Pavilion.
Unfortunately, parking is extremely limited at the venue and there is no parking anywhere on the St Mary’s Park estate. **Parking Officers may ticket your car** Overflow parking can be found at Dilly Lane Allotments and players and spectators can walk to LPC via the designated routes. All vehicles are left at the owner’s risk.
Please treat the grounds and premises with respect. Dogs are NOT allowed on the playing fields but well behaved dogs on a lead by the sidelines are allowed. Smoking/vaping is NOT allowed